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Primula Extract

Primula veris L. and/or Primula elatior

DER 1-2:1 (Liquid)
DER 4-6:1 (Powder)

  • Expectorant
  • Secretolytic
  • Diuretic
  • Anti-inflammatory


Primula Extract

  • Herb

Primula veris and/or Primula elatior is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant that is belongs to Primulaceae family. It grows up to 25 cm tall and its deep yellow flowers can be seen in spring. It is also known as cowslip.


  • Chemistry

Flowers and the roots of Primula sp., contains triterpene saponins as the main active compounds. Also, flavonoids, phenolic glycosides, and phenolic acids are found inside. The saponin content is the main responsible group for its expectorant and secretolytic activities.


  • Indications

In the history the leaves and flowers of Primula sp. were eaten raw or cooked as a source of vitamins and microelements.  Today flowers and roots of it are used to treat lots of diseases such as bronchitis, coughs, catarrhs of the respiratory tract, headache, rheumatism and nervousness.