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Orange Peel Extract

Citrus sinensis L.

≥ 20 % Total Flavonoids by Spectrophotometry

  • Antioxidant
  • Cold & Flu
  • Vitamin deficiency


  • Herb

Orange peel extract is produced from the plant known as Citrus sinensis L. grown worldwide due to containing a high amount of Vitamin C. The orange peel extract is produced by the dried and ground peel of the orange, which is extracted with a suitable solvent. Then the solvent is evaporated and spray-dried, before packaging in unique rooms.

  • Chemistry

The major components found in orange peel extract are flavonoids, phenolic acids such as gallic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid and organic acids like lactic acid, citric acid, ascorbic acid.

  • Indications

In traditional medicine, orange peel extract was used to treat cancer, stimulate metabolic rate, and relieve indigestion and constipation. Today it is still used for these indications and used in skincare and hair conditioning, and also as an antioxidant source. Moreover, it can be used to treat and prevent vitamin deficiencies, colds flu and help to fight viral and bacterial infections.