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Fenugreek Extract

Trigonella foenum -graeucum L.

≥ 50% Total Saponins by Gravimetric Analysis

  • Management of diabetes and dyslipidemia
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Management of menapouse


  • Herb

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an herbaceous annual plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. It grows up to 40-80 cm tall, and its seeds and leaves are used as herb or spice.

  • Chemistry

Seeds of Fenugreek contain saponins such as diosgenin and fenugrin B. Also, the seeds contain several coumarin compounds and some alkaloids such as trigonelline, gentianine, and carpaine. The major bioactive compounds in the seeds are known as rhaporiticin and isovitexin, which are polyphenol compounds.

  • Indications

Fenugreek Extract is used to manage diabetes and dyslipidemia and as an appetite suppressant

Externally the drug is used as poultice for local inflammation, ulcers eczema.

Also, it has been used to treat cold pain in the lower abdomen, impotence, fever, vomiting, anorexia, coughs, bronchitis, and colitis.