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Elderberry Extract

Sambucus nigra L.

≥15% Anthocyanins by spectrophotometry

  • Astringent
  • Diuretic
  • Cholesterol Health
  • Immunomodulator
  • Antioxidant


  • Herb

Elder flower is the common name for the flowers of the plant Sambucus nigra L. moschatel family (Adoxaceae). Deciduous shrub or more rarely a small tree to 10 m, often with straight, vigorous erect shoots from the base; branches often arching.


  • Chemistry

Sambucus nigra is a good source of antioxidant, free and conjugated forms of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, fibre fractions, vitamins, minerals. Analysis of elderberry showed that it contains high biological activity components, primarily polyphenols, mostly anthocyanins, flavonols, phenolic acids and proanthocyanidins, as well as terpenes and lectins.


  • Indications

Elderberry extract is used for the relief of early symptoms of common cold and support the immune system. It has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat influenza, colds and sinusitis, and has been reported to have antiviral activity against influenza and herpes simplex.